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Addition (2024)
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Genre :
Durée : 91 min
Réalisé par Marcelle Lunam
Écrit par Becca Johnstone
Numbers are everything to Grace Lisa Vandenburg. The life of Grace, a Melbourne-based mathematician, is largely governed by her arithmomania, an obsessive-compulsive need to count (three times to ensure accuracy) everything from the poppy seeds on her cake to the bristles on her toothbrush. In a chaotic, sometimes tragic, and constantly changing world, Grace’s preoccupation gives her a sense of order and control. And she does her best to lead a “normal” life, spending time with her mother and sister, her beloved niece Larry… and a manifestation of the late inventor and engineer Nikola Tesla who is Grace’s closest confidante.
Casting :
Grace Lisa Vandenburg :
Seamus :
Nikola Tesla :
Suite du casting
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