Sujet n°8548 créé le 11/12/2007 à 18:07 par Kip - Vu 204823 fois par 10716 utilisateurs
shibbyshibby a dit :
Tuttosport a eu la même idée .
Tuttosport a eu la même idée .
Oral contraception : I asked a girl to have sex with me, and she says no... (Woody ALLEN)
Tu es un ange, c'est mieux ? Un panda-ange ? (vicka, 24/06/2009)
Oral contraception : I asked a girl to have sex with me, and she says no... (Woody ALLEN)
Tu es un ange, c'est mieux ? Un panda-ange ? (vicka, 24/06/2009)
Fresh Prince a dit :
H3... Je vais te tuer...
H3... Je vais te tuer...
Oral contraception : I asked a girl to have sex with me, and she says no... (Woody ALLEN)
Tu es un ange, c'est mieux ? Un panda-ange ? (vicka, 24/06/2009)
Oral contraception : I asked a girl to have sex with me, and she says no... (Woody ALLEN)
Tu es un ange, c'est mieux ? Un panda-ange ? (vicka, 24/06/2009)
*Édité à 9:39pm, 11/07/08
RoBoT a dit :
Je ferai mon Dexter avec toi, si tu veux bien.
Je ferai mon Dexter avec toi, si tu veux bien.
Même pas peur... On est plus nombreux que vous à aimer la Juve que le contraire... Il y a shibbyshibby et kifqit avec moi !
Oral contraception : I asked a girl to have sex with me, and she says no... (Woody ALLEN)
Tu es un ange, c'est mieux ? Un panda-ange ? (vicka, 24/06/2009)
Oral contraception : I asked a girl to have sex with me, and she says no... (Woody ALLEN)
Tu es un ange, c'est mieux ? Un panda-ange ? (vicka, 24/06/2009)
shibbyshibby a dit :
Vous pouvez même amener les Ultra Sur avec vous. Nous, on amènera The Hotness .
Vous pouvez même amener les Ultra Sur avec vous. Nous, on amènera The Hotness .
Oral contraception : I asked a girl to have sex with me, and she says no... (Woody ALLEN)
Tu es un ange, c'est mieux ? Un panda-ange ? (vicka, 24/06/2009)
Oral contraception : I asked a girl to have sex with me, and she says no... (Woody ALLEN)
Tu es un ange, c'est mieux ? Un panda-ange ? (vicka, 24/06/2009)
Fresh Prince a dit :
Fais ton Dex si tu veux. Mais de ton côté. Je dois ajouter un sourire à son visage.
Fais ton Dex si tu veux. Mais de ton côté. Je dois ajouter un sourire à son visage.
Oral contraception : I asked a girl to have sex with me, and she says no... (Woody ALLEN)
Tu es un ange, c'est mieux ? Un panda-ange ? (vicka, 24/06/2009)
Oral contraception : I asked a girl to have sex with me, and she says no... (Woody ALLEN)
Tu es un ange, c'est mieux ? Un panda-ange ? (vicka, 24/06/2009)
Fresh Prince
D'you wanna know how I got these scars ? My team was coached by... A loser, and a dick. And one night, he goes off crazier than usual. He let a formation which had lose 2 weeks ago. Players don't like that. Not. One. Bit. So, me watching, Guti gave the ball to Del Piero, laughing while he does it. He turns to Bernd and he says : "Why so loser ?". He comes at him with the ball : "Why so loser ?". Del Piero has to shot a free kick : "Let's put a goal in that boxes !". And... Why so loser ?
Fresh Prince a dit :
D'you wanna know how I got these scars ? My team was coached by... A loser, and a dick. And one night, he goes off crazier than usual. He let a formation which had lose 2 weeks ago. Players don't like that. Not. One. Bit. So, me watching, Guti gave the ball to Del Piero, laughing while he does it. He turns to Bernd and he says : "Why so loser ?". He comes at him with the ball : "Why so loser ?". Del Piero has to shot a free kick : "Let's put a goal in that boxes !". And... Why so loser ?
D'you wanna know how I got these scars ? My team was coached by... A loser, and a dick. And one night, he goes off crazier than usual. He let a formation which had lose 2 weeks ago. Players don't like that. Not. One. Bit. So, me watching, Guti gave the ball to Del Piero, laughing while he does it. He turns to Bernd and he says : "Why so loser ?". He comes at him with the ball : "Why so loser ?". Del Piero has to shot a free kick : "Let's put a goal in that boxes !". And... Why so loser ?
Oral contraception : I asked a girl to have sex with me, and she says no... (Woody ALLEN)
Tu es un ange, c'est mieux ? Un panda-ange ? (vicka, 24/06/2009)
Oral contraception : I asked a girl to have sex with me, and she says no... (Woody ALLEN)
Tu es un ange, c'est mieux ? Un panda-ange ? (vicka, 24/06/2009)
Fresh Prince a dit :
Heu non, il manque rien. "Del Piero has to shot a free kick".
Heu non, il manque rien. "Del Piero has to shot a free kick".
Oral contraception : I asked a girl to have sex with me, and she says no... (Woody ALLEN)
Tu es un ange, c'est mieux ? Un panda-ange ? (vicka, 24/06/2009)
Oral contraception : I asked a girl to have sex with me, and she says no... (Woody ALLEN)
Tu es un ange, c'est mieux ? Un panda-ange ? (vicka, 24/06/2009)
Le milieu espagnol du Real Madrid, José Maria Guti, s'est attiré les foudres de Bernd Schuster. Le coach néerlandais l'a éjecté du onze titulaire pour affronter Malaga. Fautif sur le premier but de Del Piero lors du match de C1 joué cette semaine, le joueur s'est en plus montré très critique quant au jeu et à la tactique du Real ces derniers jours. Jeudi soir, il a fait une soirée avec son épouse et d'autres joueurs (dont Michel Salgado) pour son anniversaire. A sa sortie, à 4h du matin, il a insulté les journalistes qui l'attendaient à la sortie.
Source : L'Équipe
Oral contraception : I asked a girl to have sex with me, and she says no... (Woody ALLEN)
Tu es un ange, c'est mieux ? Un panda-ange ? (vicka, 24/06/2009)
Oral contraception : I asked a girl to have sex with me, and she says no... (Woody ALLEN)
Tu es un ange, c'est mieux ? Un panda-ange ? (vicka, 24/06/2009)
Oral contraception : I asked a girl to have sex with me, and she says no... (Woody ALLEN)
Tu es un ange, c'est mieux ? Un panda-ange ? (vicka, 24/06/2009)
Oral contraception : I asked a girl to have sex with me, and she says no... (Woody ALLEN)
Tu es un ange, c'est mieux ? Un panda-ange ? (vicka, 24/06/2009)
Message n° 806304, posté par kelidric à 13:51 le 08/11/2008
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