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Sujet n°52018 créé le 24/09/2019 à 16:57 par Skynet - Vu 160 fois par 80 utilisateurs
Pages : 1
Message n° 4292454, posté à 16:57 le 24/09/2019  
Episode 1

Diffusé le : 10/09/2019

Fifty years after troops were sent onto the streets of Northern Ireland, a leading team of investigative journalists uncover secrets about the decades-long conflict that claimed more than 3,700 lives. Reporter Darragh MacIntyre opens the series, discovering an array of new evidence, including previously classified documents, unseen film and fresh testimony from key new witnesses to the origins of the Troubles. It throws light on the formation of the Provisional Irish Republican Army as well as the parts played by radicals who became elder statesmen like Ian Paisley and Martin McGuinness.
In this episode, the Spotlight team traces how, in the 1960s, suspicion led to unrest between unionists and nationalists, undermining Northern Ireland’s government. The arrival of the British Army in August 1969 brought a respite, and the soldiers were enthusiastically greeted as protectors by many nationalists. That relationship was soured by fatal errors and calculated acts of violence. New information about Martin McGuinness’s role at that time is brought to light, and the episode concludes with the destruction of the Northern Ireland government, a moment when IRA members believed they were about to force the British Army out of Northern Ireland.

Message n° 4292455, posté à 16:57 le 24/09/2019  
absolument top. un 'must watch' pour moi, vu que je ne connaissais que les grandes lignes de ce conflit.
j'espère que les épisodes suivants seront du même acabit.

I hardly think a nation who eats snails and would go to bed with the kitchen sink if it put on a tutu is in any position to preach couthness!
Message n° 4292456, posté à 17:01 le 24/09/2019  
j'en profite pour conseiller, pour plus-que-conseiller, si vous y avez accès, le fabuleux stephen rea dans la non moins fabuleuse pièce 'Cyprus Avenue'.
et pour finir sur ce sujet pour l'instant, un peu moins intéressant car plus 'people', de par la victime, mais valant son visionnage quand même : The Day Mountbatten Died
mettez vos vpn en route.

I hardly think a nation who eats snails and would go to bed with the kitchen sink if it put on a tutu is in any position to preach couthness!
*édité à 00:47 le 26/09/2019
Pages : 1
Liste des sujets \ Spotlight On The Troubles: A Secret History 101

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