Message n°
4194146, posté par
Skynet à 14:27 le 28/09/2016
Message n°
4194146, posté à 14:27 le 28/09/2016
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Episode 1
Diffusé le : 14/09/2016
After a spectacular fall from grace, high-flying heart surgeon Dr Hugh Knight is forced to work as a country GP in his former home town of Whyhope. Meanwhile, his ex-girlfriend vows to send him packing.
Message n°
4194147, posté par
12.58 à 14:27 le 28/09/2016
Message n°
4194147, posté à 14:27 le 28/09/2016
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Vite vu, vite oublié
Sympatique sans intérêt.