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Sujet n°45381 créé le 18/04/2015 à 20:45 par Skynet - Vu 790 fois par 210 utilisateurs
Pages : 1
Message n° 4070093, posté à 20:45 le 18/04/2015  
The Break-Up Rule

Diffusé le : 24/02/2012


Best friends Lizzie and Sam share a drink at their neighborhood dive bar. Sam is nervous: it's her third date with nice guy, Brad. And everyone knows about the the third date -- the sex date. Lizzie scolds her for not having had sex already, which is a violation of the rules passed down to them by their recently married friend, Sienna. Sam acts on Lizzie's advice and seduces Brad, only to have him dump her immediately after their encounter when his girlfriend texts him that she wants him back. Lizzie insists that Sam "get underneath another man" right away, and the two friends go prowling at an upscale club. Lizzie focuses on getting someone to buy them top-shelf drinks, while Sam makes the acquaintance of Jason, who turns out to be Lizzie's new co-worker. Lizzie breaks it up, saying that Jason is too clingy and moves on to her own quest -- the sexy, casually dressed guy sitting at the bar, reading a book. Lizzie's initial encounter with this man she dubs "Dirty Hot Guy" begins hot and flirty but ends in mutual insults. And when -- adding insult to injury -- her ex, Drew, comes in with another girl, Lizzie is determined not to let it get to her. She and Sam cruise a jiu-jitsu studio, but get little more than hot and sweaty. Afterwards, Lizzie encounters the Dirty Hot Guy in the dive bar and takes him home for sex. Sam learns that her current major crush, Richard, will be at the R Bar; she and Lizzie make a beeline for the place, hoping for a "chance" encounter.

Message n° 4070094, posté à 20:45 le 18/04/2015  
Ca surfe un peu sur la vague BLOG OF THE CALL GIRL mais ya encore du boulot :-(

Pages : 1
Liste des sujets \ The Girl's Guide to Depravity 101

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