- 38:01 - http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grosminet

- That's for you to watch and enjoy. I got other copies... for the "Times," for the "Post," and for the "Daily News." And just in case what I'm hearing is true about print media being dead, this whole footage is getting posted on Youtube. Yeah. That's the newfangled interweb you've heard so much about. When you go home, have one of your grandkids type in "FDNY turns deaf ear to disabled children." See what comes up.- If you think you can come in here and push me around, pal...- No, no, no... I don't think I can. I've seen this footage. I know I can.. Feel that on your head, Dickie? You just got shit on again.

- All my years of service, I gotta put up with garbage like that, like you? Stack my medals up, they stand taller than you, asshole.