- 11:51 - http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rachael_Ray

- 15:52 - Contrairement à la France, le rouge représente la tendance la plus à droite sur l'échiquier politique états-unien, en l'occurrence, les républicains, qui ont largement remporté les élections de mi-mandat de novembre 2010.

- 21:22 - "Ennami" (frenemy/frienemy) = "ennemi" + "ami"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frenemy

- 27:04 - Le Borgata est un hôtel, casino et une station thermale à Atlantic City, New Jersey. Il est sur le thème de la Toscane.http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Borgata

- 40:45 - "Last call" est une expression anglaise signifiant dernières commandes avant la fin de l'heure légale permise de vente d'alcool dans un bar ou lieu où on sert des boissons alcooliques.

- All right. It's official. I am losin' my goddamn mind, OK? 13 days without a fire? It's ridiculous. We have to do garbage jobs and frozen pipes. I just came, and I went upstairs. I read the last old "Sports Illustrated" I could read. I tried to jerk off to a picture of Megan Fox on the cover of an old "Maxim" magazine that had a giant coffee stain on it.- You sure that was coffee?

- Hey, listen. How many times I gotta tell you guys? Replace the toilet-paper roll when it's out. I had to duckwalk all the way down to the storage closet and back. Now I got a rash.- Chief, not for nothin', but you've had a rash since I've known you.- Yeah, well, now my rash has a rash, Lou, OK? My crotch is like a goddamn republican landslide. You guys wanna see a fire you can put out? Here. Put this out.

- Is this like a frenemy thing? Are you-- Are you gonna be like best friends with her and... You're not thinkin' of takin' that baby, are you?- Boy, you kidnap one kid, and then everybody automatic-- No!

- You guys, you think it's a really good idea for 2 alkies to own a bar? I mean, there wasn't another hobby you guys could take up?- I can't fight fires anymore. I gotta do something to keep my life interesting.- You know, try yoga, Pilates, goddamn Facebook.- I can't do that stuff, because I'm a heterosexual, a heavily armed heterosexual.- Yeah. Wouldn't know it by that shirt.

- OK. AA meetings in a bar. Great idea. I'd like to stay, but I can't, 'cause I've got a Gamblers Anonymous meeting over at the Borgata, OK? Call me when she starts drinkin', assholes.

- You two assholes have done enough damage as it is, OK? I'm gonna go get my little girl. I'm gonna take her out the back door, try to preserve whatever dignity she's got left, and then sometime soon, I'm gonna come back here, and then I'll deal with the two of you in a manner that's just and fitting.- Just and fittin'. What do you suppose that means?- It's gonna be fitting, but it ain't gonna be just.

Daily Show & Colbert: http://tinyurl.com/TDS-TCR
Daily Show & Colbert: http://tinyurl.com/TDS-TCR
*édité à 16:37 le 16/07/2011 par KB