Sujet n°32153 créé le 15/04/2011 à 12:33 par Ori - Vu 19780 fois par 3420 utilisateurs
Tags : american godshbo

Le nouveau showrunner est déjà out...

Life is too short to spend two hours in a state of total exasperation.
Life is too short to spend two hours in a state of total exasperation.

Les trois premières minutes de la saison 2, qui commence le 10 mars :
Your worship of #AmericanGods has been rewarded. Check out the first three minutes of Season 2, and don't miss the premiere March 10 on @STARZ. pic.twitter.com/Vnu3x1GI1s
— American Gods (@AmericanGodsSTZ) December 30, 2018

Orlando Jones viré, ainsi que Mousa Kraish.

Life is too short to spend two hours in a state of total exasperation.
Life is too short to spend two hours in a state of total exasperation.

American Gods annulée, mais possible finish sur un téléfilm ou une mini-série.

Life is too short to spend two hours in a state of total exasperation.
Life is too short to spend two hours in a state of total exasperation.
*édité à 09:09 le 31/03/2021
Liste des sujets \ Nouveau projet de Starz : American Gods
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