En tout cas, ce qui est bien fait, c'est que c'est absolument invisible pour Gemma alors que ça se passe sous son nez. limite elle tend le bâton pour se faire battre.
*édité à 19:24 le 17/10/2014
Message n° 3999113, posté par namster à 19:26 le 17/10/2014
Un épisode avec un rythme un peu plus lent. Juice fait vraiment n'importe quoi, je pensais qu'il allait se sacrifier pour le club dans un dernier espoir de se racheter mais il fonce droit dans la gueule du loup. Il va y passer mais pas sûr que ce soit au prochain épisode, c'est le seul qui sait que c'est Gemma qui a tué Tara.
-- Capt. Andrew Haldane : "Here we go, boys!" The Pacific 1x05
Message n° 3999808, posté par namster à 20:36 le 19/10/2014
Une explication sur ta théorie avec une réponse de Drea Matteo, herself, dans un AMA qu'elle vient d'effectuer sur reddit :
The same way Maggie's character changes, it was like it went backwards for Wendy - she was the only character who got put away in a rehab, people HATED her for being a drug addict, yet she was the only one working on her mental well-being, learning about her self-worth and all the things that come along with being a drug addict. So it makes sense that she would in the end be the only one that has a sense of self worth and what's around her is as dysfunctional as she was - she says this in a scene with Nero, "as crazy as it sounds, the more drama there is around all these people, I guess I feel like the normal one." He and I on the show kind of represent the same thing. We're sort of partners in that way, this last season, because we are sort of innocent, and we are really filled with love, and we don't have an agenda, we're not trying to get over on people, the only agenda we have is trying to make a better life for our children. Everybody else is coming from a place filled with secrets and lies. I think Wendy was always completely honest, but she was a drug addict, so she had that veil over her, and people threw her to the wolves and said she was a bad guy, but I think she was misunderstood and ill, probably living in that world, having her own past to her as well.