- 07:46 - La loi sur la traite des Blanches (White-Slave Traffic Act) a été votée en 1910 par le Congrès à l'initiative du représentant James Robert Mann de l'État de l'Illinois, interdisant le trafic des femmes blanches entre les États de façon à lutter contre la prostitution et le proxénétisme.

- 35:07 - Benedict Arnold (14 janvier 1741 – 14 juin 1801) est un général de l'Armée continentale durant la guerre d'indépendance des États-Unis d'Amérique. Il est surtout connu pour avoir trahi les États-Unis et voulu livrer le fort américain de West Point aux Anglais durant la guerre d’Indépendance. Il est peut-être le traître le plus connu de l'histoire des États-Unis.http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Benedict_Arnold

- 36:16 - Emma était la soeur de Boris Thomashefsky. Le théâtre d'Arch Street, à Philadelphie, était l'un des plus importants théâtres yiddish de l'époque.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boris_Thomashefsky

- You are now seven years old. Thus you have attained the age of reason, meaning you know the difference between right and wrong. After age seven, God doesn't just watch over us, does he? What else does he do?- He judges us?- He judges us.

- Sounds like you're rolling in it.- More like floating. Do you know what Remus is doing right now?- I'm sure I can't imagine.- Getting ready for a dip in his indoor swimming pool.- Lavish.- Even better than having the ocean outside your door.- Then when can I expect a finder's fee?- What for?- The recommendation to Smith.- Wow... You haven't changed.- Is the irony lost on you that you operate in Ohio but didn't know anyone from Harding's administration until I stepped up?- You know what Remus doesn't like about you? The nickel and diming.- Jesus Christ! You're still squawking about the phone charges?- You come to Cincinnati, you're not handed a bill for the maid service.- Why the fuck would anyone ever go to Cincinnati?- Remus finds you petty and resentful.- Well, Remus can go fuck himself.

- Once they make shore in Philly, the goods are loaded onto trucks by Waxey's men.- Chayem here will supervise, then his fellas'll get youse safe to the border of Atlantic City.- To the border? For 20% they should be taking us all the way.- Youse are broads now? We gotta walk you home?- A kiss goodnight would be nice.- Sure, with a lead fuckin' pipe.

- You really want to play this game?- I don't play games, Mr. Darmody. There are any number of corpses that will attest to that.

- I ran into your old pal Charlie Forbes.- Ah, good old Charlie.- Indeed. He tells me you have Harding's ear on this Bureau of Veterans Affairs.- A worthy endeavor, wouldn't you say?- Might even benefit a few veterans.- How do you mean?- Oh, come on, Harry. There are crooks, then there's Charlie Forbes.- He's a veteran himself, Walter.- So was Benedict Arnold.