- On retrouve Peter Tolan à l'écriture, qu'on n'avait plus vu depuis le 7.02 - "Menses". C'est aussi la première fois, il me semble, qu'Evan Reilly endosse le costume de réalisateur.
- 10:15 - Ike Wister Turner était un chanteur, guitariste et pianiste (à ses débuts) de blues, de rhythm and blues et de rock, connu pour avoir été un époux violent.http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ike_Turner
- 37:45 - Pour comprendre le système des alarmes (in english) : http://www.slate.com/id/2141081
- Shawn's parents are, like, really nice, aren't they?- Yeah, aren't they? His father's really Black though, you know. I don't mean in attitude. I mean in color.- He's not that Black.- Lou, when I met him, I had to stop and make sure my eyes were open.- I think his mom being Mexican is the real surprise.- Yeah. Like, wouldn't even have known she was Mexican unless he told us, right?- Me, neither. Till I saw her tunneling under the front gate.- Hey, why can't a Mexican become a firefighter? 'Cause they can't tell the difference between Jose and hose "B."- All right, look, you assholes. Cut it out, all right? You're invited guests at a family function. Grow up and act like it.- Hey, interesting little side note. We're not at work, douche, and you're no longer acting lieutenant. So...- Suck it.- I don't do that, man. I wouldn't want to encroach on your area of expertise.
- Come on, guys. We got to go. Katy, you and-- What's your name again, kid?- Jose.- Christ. A Black kid with a Mexican name. You're a one-man crime spree waiting to happen.- What'd you say, pendejo?- You can knife me later. Let's go. Come on.
- Hey, what are you doing?- Tom, it's not what you think. This isn't for me. I was grabbing one for a friend.- Yeah, let me guess--a friend that lives at the bottom of your esophagus. Nice try, asshole. Hey, honey. This is-- tell her this--- It never ends, does it?- All right. Emergency family meeting. Let's go. Everybody.