- 17:20 - Mary Cassatt, née le 22 mai 1844 à Allegheny City (qui fait actuellement partie de Pittsburgh) en Pennsylvanie et morte le 14 juin 1926 au Mesnil-Théribus (France), où elle est enterrée, était une artiste peintre américaine.http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mary_Cassatt

- 47:22 - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steel_Pier

- 47:43 - "Some of These Days" est une chanson écrite en 1910 par Shelton Brooks et interprétée par Sophie Tucker, une chanteuse populaire.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Some_of_These_Days

- Fuck 'em! Let them write what they want.- The election, Eli- We gotta keep the tide flowing in our direction.- I'll get out then, press the flesh, drum up some support.- What about your spleen? Dr. Surran says you should rest.- How do you rest your spleen?

- Do you know what the nice thing is about the Bronx Zoo, Charlie? There's bars between you and the monkeys.

- I know we've had our differences, but I want you to know that I'm here for you, now and in November.- What does that mean?- Have you thought about the future?- It certainly sounds like you have.

- Why didn't you just say that in the first place?- I didn't want you to know how selfish I was.- I never hold that against anyone.

- So I'm assuming you didn't ask me here to sing my praises.- Of course not, Edward. I can't sing a note. How'd you like to be mayor?- With you as boss? I'd have more authority as street-sweeper.- But a lot more time to run your construction business. It's time for a change, Ed, and you're a solid republican.- What about Bacharach?- Mayor Bacharach is ill. He will not be seeking re-election.- What's wrong with him?- I'll make my diagnosis as soon as I have your answer.