La "Are You Having Fun Team" vous conseille de regarderl'avant dernier épisode de la saison 2 de "Party Down".

Titre US : Cole Landry's Draft Day PartyRéalisateur(s) : Fred SavageScénariste(s) : John Enbom, Dan Etheridge

Adam Scott : Henry PollardMartin Starr : Roman DeBeersRyan Hansen : Kyle BradwayLizzy Caplan : Casey KleinKen Marino : Ron DonaldMegan Mullally : Lydia Dunfree

Aaron Hill : Cole LandryRick Hall : Bill LandryMatt Walsh : Larry DuckettDaniel Franzese : Ziggy ChorofskySean Riggs : Jerome DupreeMarc Istook : Draft AnalystBen Mankiewicz : SportscasterCaroline Macey : RiannaReed Anthony : Sound Man

I never knew there would be a better tomorrow
But you've come into my life and taken away all my sorrow
I never knew there would be a better tomorrow
But you've come into my life and taken away all my sorrow