Sujet n°25119 créé le 21/02/2010 à 10:24 par NaNaeL - Vu 157558 fois par 12681 utilisateurs
Tags : discussiondoctor who

The following statement is false.
The previous statement is true.
The following statement is false.
The previous statement is true.
Message n° 2164147, posté par Strex à 18:44 le 26/06/2010
Message sous votre seuil (Afficher quand même)

The following statement is false.
The previous statement is true.
The following statement is false.
The previous statement is true.

Neil Gaiman has confirmed that he is writing an episode for the first half of this series. It is highly likely that Steven Moffat will return as Executive Producer and Head Writer and if so will most likely write at least 3 episodes (The first, and finale episodes). Gaiman told BBC News that his episode was originally titled The House of Nothing It was revealed on Neil Gaiman's twitter page that his episode will be the third episode of Series 6

The following statement is false.
The previous statement is true.
The following statement is false.
The previous statement is true.

The following statement is false.
The previous statement is true.
The following statement is false.
The previous statement is true.

The following statement is false.
The previous statement is true.
The following statement is false.
The previous statement is true.

The following statement is false.
The previous statement is true.
The following statement is false.
The previous statement is true.
Liste des sujets \ [Doctor Who] Discussion - Saison 5 + Téléfilm
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