- 04:11 - FIDO = Fuck it, Drive on. We don't have time to fix this situation.http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=fido

- 14:04 - Paul Neal Adair, dit Red Adair, était un pompier américain, spécialiste dans l'extinction des feux de puits de pétrole. Il eut notamment en charge l'extinction de l'incendie de la plate-forme pétrolière Piper Alpha en 1988 et des incendies de puits de pétrole koweïtiens après la Guerre du Golfe. Un film d'action et d'aventure intitulé "Hellfighter" [1968], avec John Wayne dans le rôle principal, relate les exploits de Red Adair et de ses hommes.http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_Neal_Adair

- 40:55 - Baskin-Robbins est une chaîne de crème glacée fondée par Burt Baskin et Irv Robbins en 1945 à Glendale, Californie. Elle affirme être la plus grande chaîne de franchise de crème glacée, avec plus de 5 800 sites, dont 2 800 aux États-Unis.http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baskin-Robbins

- I know that Damien is in good hands. And he's being watched over by a great bunch of guys.- And Tommy.

- Apache Stone?- Yep. That's my band.- It sounds like a Native American gift shop in Tucson.- Yeah, or maybe a casino in Connecticut.- Guys, we're actually called Apache Stone because I have Native American blood running through my veins.- Yeah, and retard blood running through your brain.- All through the brain.- No, no, I'm serious, guys. I'm like 2 % Northeast Apache. Like, my mom traced her bloodline on the Internet.- You're Native American?- Yeah, but only like 2 %, so what does that come out to? What part of you?- Well, maybe one ball.- You should rename the band and call it "Cherokee Testicle."- "Pawnee Nut Boys."- Yeah, yeah, you guys can laugh all you want, but wait till you hear us play.- Yeah, you know, he's right. We should probably save this laughter till we hear him play.- I suggest we pack the place full of totally hot chicks, though. It's the only thing that's going to keep it from completely clearing out as soon as Comanche ball sack starts playing.- You know what, Frank? That's not a bad idea, actually. Maybe you could have your girlfriend invite some of her friends. You know, I'm sure she's got some hot fillies in her stable, right?- Yeah, a couple of bulls, too, I think.