- 00:36 - Le Walt Disney Concert Hall est un complexe de salles de spectacle situé à Los Angeles, conçu par Frank Gehry et inauguré en octobre 2003.http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Walt_Disney_Concert_Hall

- 03:05 - "Judge Judy" est une émission de télé-réalité américaine dans laquelle des citoyens demandent à une juge, Judith Sheindlin, de trancher leurs conflits.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Judge_Judy

- 21:41 - Stephen W. Hawking, CH, CBE, FRS, FRSA, est un physicien théoricien et cosmologiste anglais, né le 8 janvier 1942 à Oxford. Hawking est professeur de mathématiques à l'Université de Cambridge, membre de Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge et chercheur distingué du Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics. Il est connu pour ses contributions dans les domaines de la cosmologie et la gravité quantique, en particulier dans le cadre des trous noirs. Il a également eu du succès avec ses œuvres de vulgarisation scientifique dans lequel il discute de ses propres théories et de la cosmologie en général, comme le best-seller A Brief History of Time, qui est resté sur la liste des records des bestsellers du Sunday Times pendant 237 semaines consécutives. Hawking a une dystrophie neuromusculaire qui est lié à la sclérose latérale amyotrophique (SLA), sa maladie a progressé au fil des ans et l'a laissé presque complètement paralysé.http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stephen_Hawking

- 24:11 - L'île de Santa Catalina est une île rocheuse de 194 km² située sur la côte de Californie. Elle est située à 35 km environ de San Pedro et fait partie du Comté de Los Angeles. C'est la seule des îles de cette région qui possède une population permanente et soit urbanisée : la plupart des quelques 3 000 résidents vivent à Avalon. Le reste de Santa Catalina est possédé par le Catalina Island Conservancy.http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C3%8Ele_Santa_Catalina

- Let me ask you this question. Have you noticed if she has any proclivity for chopsticks?- Why would she have a proclivity for chopsticks?- Well, she's Chinese.- Do you think she is also a kung fu master?

- By the way, what's the proper term? Can I say handicapped? What is it? Are you disabled? Handicapped? What's the word?- Yeah, those are...- Challenged? Are you challenged?- Right now I am, yeah.

- I don't think you fucking brung it.- I'm telling you I brung it. I know when I bring it and I know when I don't bring it, and I brought it.- You did your fucking thing?- Yes.- You did the dizzle on her, right?- I did what?- The dizzle.- The dizzle?- You did your dizzle on her, right?- Yeah, I did my dizzle.- That means you did your fucking thing. No fucking response?- Yes.- Bring the fucking ruckus to that ass, Larry.- Oh, I supposed you think you could have gotten a response?- You're goddamn right, Larry.- Bullshit.- I would've had her ass tap-dancing, Larry. I don't fuck around. Give me her goddamn number. I'll go over there and twist that ass up, Larry.- I'm not giving you her number.- I'll bend that bitch like Beckham. I'll have her ass like a goddamn pretzel. You should've broke that ass in two pieces. You know what I'm saying? You should've came back with the bottom half of the ass.You know what I mean?

- You're gonna love this. It is the best piece of pie you've ever had.- Honestly, I'm really... I'm not eating dessert anymore.- Just have one bite. Have a bite, come on.- I'm not in the mood, Ted. I don't want it. Thank you. It's a nice gesture.- You're making me look like an asshole.- I had the option of ordering dessert and I didn't want the dessert at the time. So I don't want the dessert.- Just have one little bite. For my sake. Please, be a friend.- I don't care.- Be a fucking friend, will you please?- I am a friend. I don't have to take a bite just because you want me to.- Have a bite of the pie.- I'm just gonna get this out of the way for you.- Thank you.- No no, put the pie down. Put the pie down.- No, don't. Here take it. Take it. I don't want it.- Don't pick up that pie. Put the pie down.- I'm not taking a bite. I don't want a bite. Take this fucking piece of pie and get it out of my face.- Put the fucking pie down!- Don't put that pie down! Do not put that pie down!- God damn it!