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Episode 49
Diffusé le : 27/11/2020
Aslan obsessed with Reyyan kidnapped her and in this process shot Hazar. But Mahfuz saved the day & shot him at the end. Reyyan & Miran tried their utmost to keep Hazar alive and they are devastated. Miran who has not yet digested the fact that Hazar is his father, is now on the verge of losing him. Meanwhile, the Aslanbeys who are trying to get used to the new order after Fisun Aslanbey's arrival are once again destroyed by the news of Aslan getting shot. Azize now has to deal with both the Şadoğlus and Fusun. On the other hand, Cihan learns his father's plan about Miran as Nasuh tells everything he finds out about Azize to Azat. Reyyan and Miran who are trying to pass these difficult days by holding on to each other learn the greatest news of their life. As Azize has now nothing to lose, she orders Mahmut to shoot Hazar & calls Nasuh to the farm to reveal her secrets. Will Hazar & Aslan survive? What news Miran & Reyyan will learn? What will Azize tell to Nasuh? (
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