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Episode 47
Diffusé le : 13/11/2020
Despite everything, Reyyan and Miran, who rolled up their sleeves to live their own lives, while trying to get used to their new order, Mahfuz, who gave up hope from Aslan, decided to talk to Hazar and explain the whole truth about Miran. After his research, Hazar, who is sure that Miran is his own son and vows to end this revenge, goes to face Azize, but after an incident he witnessed in the Aslanbey mansion, what he remembers causes Hazar to be thoroughly sharpened to Azize. On the other hand, Azize, who was blockaded by Miran, Aslan and Hazar, lives her real shock by confronting Füsun Aslanbey, whom she thought died years ago, comes in the flew and exposed the fact that Miran is Hazar's son to everyone. (
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