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My Own Sweetheart
Diffusé le : 28/06/1998
Laura is dreaming of love and is bored of the single life. Karen is pressuring Angus into commitment and meeting her strict parents. Meredith wants Harold to sober up so he tries to stay in jail for 3 days to get off the booze. Laura asks Dan to the Magistrate's Dinner Dance. Dan goes to court over parking fines because he likes the free jail food where he usually gets 7 days. To give him a change, Laura gives him 100 hours community service helping her do office duties, she thinks he'll hate it. But in fact, he files her whole system perfectly. Karen's parents arrive changed and are full into life drawings and being natural. Only Karen's father is confessing to a bank robbery from 1991 and Sergeant Grey is reluctant to arrest him. Karen accepts her parents for what they are and Laura gives Dan outside work. Dan and Laura go to the Dinner Dance together and Karen considers travelling when she realises Angus isn't ready to settle down (
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