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Lies and Secrets
Diffusé le : 04/06/1999
Noah and Geneva stand trial before the Triumvirate and are found guilty. For Noah this could mean five years without any privileges and for Geneva, exile Topside where she must try and survive the Impact Winter. The Triumvirate sentences them to work detail until they reach their conclusions. Arushka finds a groggy Sundance who was returning home from the Sandtribers when Sutch zapped him with an Electronet. She is outraged — there was a truce! Realising that he has been found out, a furious Tao seeks out Ferris and forces him to lie to the Nomads and tell them it was a mistake by a disobedient Protector. Furious about the outcome of her brother's trial, Becky breaks Noah and Geneva out of the Discipline Centre and takes them to Dr. Pretorius who gives Noah a pair of PH-Ts. He can take Geneva home at last. (
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