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General Hospital
Précédent  39x196 Suivant
10.03.02 - Thursday
Diffusé le : 03/10/2002
Preview:Scott tries to force Carly to make a deal. Recap:Though Jason cautions her that she's not safe at the cottage, Brenda stubbornly refuses to budge. Jax covers one lie by inventing another in an effort to placate his annoyed bride. Monica phones Jason to warn her son that Alcazar is gunning for him and that she was kidnapped by him and was hiding in the elevator at the hospital. As Scott and the police officers begin arresting the crime bosses, Sonny slips back out to the limo before he can be spotted. Later, Sonny berates Carly for endangering his business interests and placing her own life in jeopardy to boot. Skye begs Jax not to go up against Alcazar but he insists he must put the matter to rest once and for all. A tearful Carly accuses Sonny of punishing her unfairly. Jax offers to take Brenda to New Orleans for safekeeping but Luis suddenly arrives at the cottage, brandishing a gun. Skye brushes off Edward's latest attempt to make her doubt the man she loves. Brenda screams (
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