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General Hospital
Précédent  39x01 Suivant
01.02.02 - Wednesday
Diffusé le : 02/01/2002
Recap:Elizabeth chooses to forgive Gia for lying about Lucky's feelings, and she cuts Gia off and instructs her to forget that the conversation ever happened. However, as the wedding begins, Elizabeth realizes that Gia told her the truth when she looks into Lucky's eyes. Lucky follows Elizabeth as she runs off, and Elizabeth finally gets Lucky to admit the truth. Jax helps Courtney find Edward Quartermaine, and Courtney tells Edward that Janine never slept with Edward. Edward erupts, and full Quartermaine wrath descends upon Skye when they learn that Skye knew about the deception from the beginning. Sonny rushes to Courtney's side in the midst of the chaos and offers Courtney a home if she does not wish to leave town with Janine, and Jax sweeps over to save appreciative Skye. Carly covers for Zander in front of Sonny, and Carly and Zander appear to move closer. Likewise, Kristina and Ned seem to enjoy each other's company, despite the Quartermaine madness surrounding them. Courtesy:ABC (
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