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General Hospital
Précédent  38x253 Suivant
12.31.01 - Monday
Diffusé le : 31/12/2001
Recap: Nikolas advises Lucky to think twice about marrying Elizabeth, but Lucky explains that an eternal bond links him to Elizabeth despite his missing feelings for her. At the same time, Gia attempts to warn Elizabeth against marrying Lucky. Elizabeth turns the conversation to praise for Gia, and Gia backs down until the last minute when she blurts to Elizabeth that Lucky doesn't love her anymore. Oblivious to the unfolding events, Laura flirts with Luke, and she playfully puts off answering Luke's marriage proposal. Luke cries to Bobbie, and Bobbie blames Laura's stalling on Luke's courting techniques. Sonny asks Alexis for advice on how to incorporate Courtney into his life, and an uncomfortable moment ensues when Sonny and Alexis bump into Carly and Zander in public. Meanwhile, Kristina prepares for a night out on the town with Ned. The Quartermaines argue over Edward's change of heart in regards to his will, and Alan determines to ignore Edward's latest attack and enjoy the arriv (
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