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General Hospital
Précédent  38x250 Suivant
12.26.01 - Wednesday
Diffusé le : 26/12/2001
Recap:Mike asks for Sonny's help to find Courtney, and Carly urges Sonny to at least hear Mike's side of the story before condemning Mike for his past. Meanwhile, Gia catches Courtney stealing, and Nikolas ultimately assists Courtney with her cash flow problem. Anxious Courtney plans to drive off into the sunset, but her car refuses to cooperate, and AJ finds her on the side of the road. AJ reveals to Edward and Alan that Carly has set the groundwork for Michael's adoption, and AJ confides in Skye that he intends to make Sonny pay for stealing his son. Skye also shares her frustrations over Jax with AJ after Jax informs Skye that he has no intention of helping her run ELQ and that he plans to leave town. Carly also has a problem with Jax's departure, and she gets Jax to spill that he feels empty. Consequently, Jax agrees to remain in Port Charles until the opening of their club. Elizabeth presses secretly reluctant Lucky to elope amidst the excitement surrounding Gia's extravagant wedd (
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