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General Hospital
Précédent  38x249 Suivant
12.24.01 - Monday
Diffusé le : 24/12/2001
Recap:Sonny fumes when he learns that Mike is Courtney's father, and Courtney lashes out at Janine when she discovers that Janine always knew that Mike was still alive. Jax surprises Carly with papers approving her office, and the two toast to their future as business partners. Alexis notes Kristina's immediate discomfort around Ned with Alexis' arrival, so Alexis retreats to the park. There, Alexis crosses paths with Jax, and their emotional exchange propels Alexis to dust off a memorial and to orchestrate a candlelight vigil. In the meantime, defeated Edward storms off after an unpleasant exchange with Skye, and AJ learns that Carly has set the wheels for Michael's adoption in motion. Rae does her best to convince Monica that she has no intention of stealing Alan from Monica, and Skye attempts to make things up to Lila for causing havoc among the Quartermaines by gathering carolers to inject some Christmas cheer into the mansion. At the hospital, Alan shares the story of Christmas, a (
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