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General Hospital
Précédent  38x247 Suivant
12.20.01 - Thursday
Diffusé le : 20/12/2001
Recap: Luke presses Laura to marry him, but Laura remains reluctant, reminding Luke that he doesn't like to be married. Luke points out that their divorce has been less than successful, and he ultimately gives Laura time to think about it. Janine offers to spill the entire truth to Sonny in return for cold, hard cash, and Sonny keeps Janine waiting for an answer. Sonny admits to Alexis that he can't stomach lies, and Alexis offers her ear if Sonny ever feels comfortable enough to talk about specific betrayals. Meanwhile, Zander happens upon Courtney, stranded on the side of the road. Zander invites Courtney to tag along with him and meet Sonny after he discovers that she intends to connect with Janine. At the same time, nervous Mike turns to gambling to deal with the stress brought on by Janine's presence in Port Charles. Roy prevents Mike from losing his shirt, and Bobbie encourages Mike to let go of his past sins. Lucky rushes to Nikolas for help after having a bad dream about Eliz (
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