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General Hospital
Précédent  38x246 Suivant
12.19.01 - Wednesday
Diffusé le : 19/12/2001
Recap: Laura squelches Luke's anger over Laura's scam by reminding him that he has played with her all week. Luke points out his true mission, Laura, and he exclaims that he wants her back. Neither Luke nor Laura can deny their attraction for one another, and Luke asks Laura for her hand in marriage. At the Quartermaine mansion, Skye celebrates her victory with AJ, but Edward warns Skye that Jax will ultimately hurt her. Skye manages a kind gesture toward Monica, and Monica agrees to try and make amends with Skye for Alan's sake. Ned seems close to a kiss with Kristina, but Edward interrupts with a call announcing the horrific developments at ELQ. Kristina denies Alexis' suggestion that Kristina and Ned have growing feelings for one another, and Alexis insists that she has no romantic feelings for Sonny. (
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