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General Hospital
Précédent  38x245 Suivant
12.18.01 - Tuesday
Diffusé le : 18/12/2001
Recap:Laura initiates her playful retaliation against Luke by setting up her own abduction. Luke finds a note from Laura stating that she has been kidnapped and urges Luke to save himself. Luke goes into rescue mode, only to find Laura playing poker with members of the ship's crew at the end of his search.Meanwhile, Skye successfully steers the vote to Jax's favor by making ELQ go public, and Jax promises to make Skye CEO in return. Defeated Sonny walks away with his dignity intact, and Alexis cheers Sonny with the news that Carly signed the adoption papers. However, Sonny dampens Alexis' mood when he refers to Alexis as only a friend and promptly heads off to see Carly. Alexis and Felicia share their thoughts on men, and Alexis points out that Sonny's adoption of Michael will forever bind Carly to Sonny. Kristina forces Ned to let loose by taking him hang-gliding. Afterward, exhilarated Ned thanks Kristina for his new lease on life, and sparks appear close to igniting between them. Me (
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