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General Hospital
Précédent  38x243 Suivant
12.14.01 - Friday
Diffusé le : 14/12/2001
Recap:Laura frustrates Luke when she interferes with Luke's plans for romance by taking the spy mission seriously. Laura further taunts Luke by playing her role as loving wife to the hilt and dressing to kill, and Luke finally decides to come clean. Meanwhile, Jax questions why Sonny appears to know so much about Carly's activities and suggests that Sonny has her tailed. Sonny does not admit to any wrongdoing, and Sonny suggests that Carly has made an error in judgment by affiliating herself with Jax. Skye brings animosity between Jax and Sonny to a new level when she slips that she plans to end Edward's reign of terror at the imminent ELQ board meeting, causing unrest amidst the rest of the Quartermaines as well. Carly asks Sonny if he remains interested in adopting Michael despite his growing relationship with Alexis, and Sonny assures Carly that he and Alexis remain only friends. Fearful that Carly might change her mind about the adoption, Sonny passes on his suspicions to Alexis, a (
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