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General Hospital
Précédent  38x82 Suivant
04.25.01 - Wednesday
Diffusé le : 25/04/2001
Preview: Alexis comes between Zander and Sonny. Recap:Bobbie questioned Roy about his feelings for Melissa. Roy was upset that she still didn't seem to trust him and he later asked Luke what he should do. Luke advised Roy to be patient with Bobbie because she had been through the wringer when it came to men. Melissa was confounded when Tony asked her where the test results were that he needed. It was the same paperwork that Bobbie had promised Melissa she would take care of. When Tony and Melissa asked Bobbie about the results, she feigned innocence and then "found" the results in the wrong place. Tony berated Melissa for the screw-up and brought the matter to Alan's attention. Melissa was furious with Bobbie for setting her up and wanted to know when the games were going to stop. Bobbie told Melissa that if she really wanted to prove that she wasn't out to cause trouble, she could leave town immediately. Melissa suggested that she would speak to Roy and see what he thought about Bobbi (
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