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General Hospital
Précédent  38x80 Suivant
04.23.01 - Monday
Diffusé le : 23/04/2001
Preview: Sonny receives an explosive birthday present. Recap: Helena praised Lucky for recovering the disks and told him she had more work for him. She handed him a little blue vial and commanded that he not use it until she told him to. In a trance, Lucky slipped the vial into his jacket pocket. Laura stopped by the club to talk to Luke about Lucky. Luke believed that Helena was mind controlling Lucky again, but Laura wasn't convinced. She told Luke that it was possible that Lucky was behaving strangely because Luke kept reminding him of his time with Helena. Luke slipped onto Helena's yacht to try and decode his copies of the disks. He hid when Helena came into the room and was shocked when Laura showed up a few minutes later. At the police station, Emily pleaded with Edward to drop the charges against Zander. Edward refused to cooperate, unless Emily agreed to his plan. He promised her that he would not press charges against Zander if Emily moved back home and never saw Zander again (
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