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General Hospital
Précédent  38x79 Suivant
04.20.01 - Friday
Diffusé le : 20/04/2001
Preview:Luke proves that he still has the upper hand. Recap: Luke visited Roy in the hospital, both to check up on him and to tell him the latest in the Cassadine plot. He let Roy know that the disks had been stolen, but he had been clever enough to make copies and was considering selling them to Stefan. Bobbie came in during Luke's visit and when they wheeled Roy out for more testing, she vented to him about Melissa. She felt that everything that had happened was Melissa's fault and she was determined not to let the woman destroy her relationship with Roy. Roy dropped his CD player and had to press the nurse call button for help. Melissa came in and was happy to help him, but she also wanted to apologize for almost getting him killed. Roy couldn't believe that she blamed herself and told her that he knew from experience that blaming herself would only lead to pain. Bobbie watched from outside the room as he comforted Melissa. Alexis changed her mind about helping Nikolas and delive (
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