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General Hospital
Précédent  38x78 Suivant
04.19.01 - Thursday
Diffusé le : 19/04/2001
Preview: An unexpected visitor arrives in Port Charles. Recap: Lucky came upon Liz and Jason in the park. Liz started to tell him that nothing was going on, but Lucky told her he trusted her completely. Unable to lie to either Lucky or herself any longer, Liz asked to speak to him privately. Back in her studio, Liz confessed to Lucky that while he had been away, she had developed feelings for Jason that had never gone away. Lucky was devastated and left in a daze. He went to the boxcar and put up pictures of Liz that made him cry. A.J. visited Edward in the hospital and watched as Melissa examined him. Melissa was puzzled by Edward's lack of bruising and lack of pain. A.J. again tried to get Edward to admit that his attacker could have been Zander, especially when Taggert came in and said that the addict had an alibi for the time Edward was mugged. Edward's memory suddenly returned and he gave a full description of a man he had seen outside of the courtroom. A.J. wondered how Edward's (
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