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General Hospital
Précédent  38x77 Suivant
04.18.01 - Wednesday
Diffusé le : 18/04/2001
Preview: Scott teaches Laura how to play the game. Recap: Scott rented out Jake's so that he could surprise Laura with a pool date. He remembered how she always wanted to play when they were married and he never took her with him. As he taught her the finer aspects of the game, it soon became apparent that Laura knew what she was doing. Laura confessed that while they were married, she took pool classes with the intent of surprising him one day. Jubilant at her win, she kissed Scott passionately. When Luke called to talk to her about Lucky, she told him she was busy and continued her date with Scott. Luke was lost in the grips of his maze nightmare and again woke without remembering what was going on. Lucky came in to offer his help in decoding the disks. Luke asked what changed his mind and Lucky told him that Nikolas gave Lucky and Luke permission to destroy the Cassadines. Luke went to retrieve the disks from the safe and was shocked to find them missing. When Lucky seemed nonchalan (
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