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General Hospital
Précédent  38x76 Suivant
04.17.01 - Tuesday
Diffusé le : 17/04/2001
Preview: Roy's life hangs in the balance during surgery. Recap:Helena held up the Ice Princess in front of Lucky and though Lucky cried and tried to refuse her, but he eventually broke down and agreed to help Helena. She told him that she wanted him to be the vehicle for destroying Luke. Liz came upon Lucky after Helena left him and he held onto her tightly. She assured him that his feelings of sadness and panic stemmed from his fear that his happiness would be taken away. Later, Lucky went to Luke's office and headed straight for his computer. Stefan banged on Alexis's door and demanded that she help him straighten out Nikolas. Nikolas came in and told his uncle to leave. He reiterated his plan to disassociate himself from the Cassadines. When Stefan finally departed, Alexis advised Nikolas that giving up the Cassadine name may not be the best course of action. She reminded him that with the family fortune, he could do any number of good acts. Nikolas told her that it was blood money (
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