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General Hospital
Précédent  38x75 Suivant
04.16.01 - Monday
Diffusé le : 16/04/2001
Preview: Lucky was entranced by the sight of Helena's disks. Recap: While visiting with Lucky at Laura's house, Luke asked Lucky if he could help him break a computer code. Lucky was interested until Luke mentioned that the disks belonged to Helena. He reminded his father that neither he or Nikolas wanted any part of the family war. When Luke brought the disks out, Lucky was momentarily entranced. He rushed out of Laura's house and said he couldn't help Luke. Laura was furious that Luke would try to bring Lucky into his scheme. She warned him again to leave her and her children out of his feud. Nikolas was furious at Helena and Stefan for talking about him as though he was their pawn. He told them that he planned to cut all ties to the Cassadine's and only be a part of Laura's family. Stefan was horrified by that thought and told Nikolas that his heritage ties were too strong to break. Nikolas stormed out after telling Stefan that he would never be a part of their clan. Stefan blamed H (
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