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General Hospital
Précédent  38x73 Suivant
04.12.01 - Thursday
Diffusé le : 12/04/2001
Preview: Sonny revelle's in his triumph over Sorel. Recap: Scott deluged Laura with baskets of exotic spring flowers to congratulate her on her success with Deception. As she thanked him, Lesley walked in and couldn't help but notice the changes in Laura's demeanor. She commented on how radiant and happy Laura appeared as a sheepish Scott listened. Laura was surprised when Carly came in and told her that Sonny had signed over his one percent of the company to her, thereby making her a full partner. Laura took the news calmly, especially when Carly appeared to be repentant and hopeful of making the partnership work. Laura later confided in Scott that it was the first time that she thought her working relationship with Carly would be successful. Gia and Nikolas spent a leisurely morning together, convinced it might be their last moment of peace before she started working full time for Deception. Florence stopped by the cottage after hearing about Gia's success from Taggert. She initially (
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