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General Hospital
Précédent  38x72 Suivant
04.11.01 - Wednesday
Diffusé le : 11/04/2001
Preview: The Quartermaines toast Monica's good news. Recap: Lucky took Liz back to her studio so that she could paint. He wanted to prove to her that he did listen to her and understand exactly what she needed. Liz playfully took pictures of him and the two revelled in their closeness. They went for a walk through the park and Lucky had a premonition that something bad was going to happen. As they rounded the corner, they ran into Jason. Lucky offered Jason his forgiveness for attacking him, but knowing the truth, Jason didn't accept. Lucky and Liz left and Helena came out of the shadows, having observed the entire exchange. Nikolas surprised Gia with a declaration of how much he cared about her and a gift of a diamond bracelet. He told her that he appreciated her friendship and said she was the one person he completely trusted. Gia's eyes welled with tears as she told him how much she cared about him in return. Helena followed Stefan to the docks where she taunted him about his feelin (
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