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General Hospital
Précédent  38x71 Suivant
04.10.01 - Tuesday
Diffusé le : 10/04/2001
Preview:Gia celebrated her win with Nikolas. Recap: To everyone's surprise, Laura announced Gia as the Face of Deception. Gia was ecstatic at the news as was Nikolas. He congratulated Gia for winning on her own merits and not resorting to trickery. Laura assured Carly that her decision was based on what was right for Deception, not bowing to Carly's demands. When Carly noted that all the attention was focused on Laura and Gia, she slipped out. Sonny was waiting for Carly outside of the club and he tried to apologize, but she ran away from him. He caught up with her in the park and she told him that he was right, that they didn't belong together. Sonny told her that he didn't want her to leave him because she was his whole life. They went home and Sonny gifted her with his one percent of Deception. Carly thanked him for believing in her and told him that she wanted to have his baby. Lucky was furious with Laura's decision, but she reminded him that Liz had been trying to tell them all a (
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