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General Hospital
Précédent  38x69 Suivant
04.06.01 - Friday
Diffusé le : 06/04/2001
Preview:Sonny reels from Alexis's angry slap. Recap:Laura convinced Luke to not only let her have the Deception party at the club, but to let her pay for the space as well. Luke made her promise that she wasn't trying to bail him out and she told him that he would really be doing her a favor. Reassured, Luke set off to see Helena when Stefan stopped him. He wanted to know if Luke had considered accepting his offer to double Helena's payment for the disks--even though Stefan didn't even know what Luke had that Helena wanted. Luke said he would get back to Stefan and then promptly went to Helena's yacht. He told her that he wasn't giving her the disks just yet because he had something that she wanted even more. Gia met with Carly in the park and was shocked to see the ad campaign that Carly had featured in a magazine. Carly asserted that Gia needed to be cool at the party and not reveal what she knew. Though Gia was nervous about all the lies, Carly assured her that everything was under (
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