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General Hospital
Précédent  38x68 Suivant
04.05.01 - Thursday
Diffusé le : 05/04/2001
Preview:Roy delivers Zander to the court room. Recap:Luke went ballistic when he thought that people from the bank were taking away the club's decorations. When Elton came in to talk about the Deception party, Luke realized that the men had been sent by Laura. After having a talk with Bobbie and inadvertently, Felicia, about Luke's problems, Laura went to see him. Luke was adamant that Laura didn't need to bail him out and Laura was equally as insistent that he should at least consider her offer. She told him that he still saw her as a young girl that he needed to protect and he admitted that he did. He tenderly told her that a part of him would always see her as the innocent girl he fell in love with. As he made this declaration, Felicia walked in and heard him. She had come to tell Luke that she had fallen in love with him. Alexis tried to hide her own anxiety and calm Emily down about Zander's whereabouts. Emily was certain that Zander was in danger so Alexis finally admitted that s (
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