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General Hospital
Précédent  38x67 Suivant
04.04.01 - Wednesday
Diffusé le : 04/04/2001
Preview:Mac declares his intentions to a stunned Felicia. Recap:Laura paid a visit to Luke at the club after she received the notice of foreclosure. She proposed that she hold a party for the Deception launch at the club which would help her and provide money for the mortgage payments. Luke refused to accept help from her and Laura was angry at his pigheadedness. Especially when he told her that he was planning one of his famous schemes to get him out of trouble. She told Scott that from then on, she was going to do the exact opposite of what Luke wanted and she planned on holding the party at the club. Luke was surprised when Stefan sauntered into the club and told Luke that whatever he had that Helena wanted, Stefan was willing to pay double for. Luke said he would be willing to deal as long as Stefan was ready to shell out major dollars. He never did tell Stefan what he had. Zander chafed against his enforced captivity and used every wheedling word he knew to get Jason to let him go (
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