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General Hospital
Précédent  38x66 Suivant
04.03.01 - Tuesday
Diffusé le : 03/04/2001
Preview:Liz can't fight her attraction to Jason. Recap:Mac ran into Taggert at the courthouse and Taggert was hopeful that Mac was applying for reinstatement as the Port Charles commissioner. Unfortunately for Taggert, Mac was getting his Private Investigator license. He told Taggert that he was taking back what he wanted in life, including Felicia. Felicia wanted to help Luke with his financial troubles, but when he wasn't at the club, she decided to take matters into her own hands. She went to the bank and posed as Laura to sway the manager from foreclosing on the club. She nearly had him convinced when Mac showed up. Luke waited on Helena's yacht for her to arrive to ask her if she wanted to buy the disks back for two million dollars. Helena was ready to deal, but Stefan interrupted them. He wanted to know exactly what Luke had that Helena wanted. Jason tried to explain to Liz what happened with Lucky, but he couldn't convince her that Lucky had just attacked him. She wanted to trus (
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