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General Hospital
Précédent  38x65 Suivant
04.02.01 - Monday
Diffusé le : 02/04/2001
Preview:Gia imagines paying for her crimes. Recap:Sonny was frantic over Michael's disappearance and initially told Alexis that he believed Sorel had taken the boy. He wouldn't let her call the police because he was afraid that would make Sorel hurt Michael. Meanwhile, A.J. took Michael to a park bench and sat him down to visit. He gave Michael a stuffed bear and reminded the child that he was his father. When Michael said he already had a daddy, A.J. was crushed. He took Michael back to Sonny and a relieved Sonny sent Michael with Alexis to get ice-cream. He angrily told A.J. to stay away from Michael for good. Roy sneaked around the place where Jason was keeping Zander, but a policeman caught him before he could find anything. Roy tried not to panic when the cop questioned him, but it turned out that the officer was on the lookout for a man who had been attacking women. When Melissa ran by, Roy was angry with her for being on the waterfront. He escorted her back to the park. Liz ran (
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