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General Hospital
Précédent  38x64 Suivant
03.30.01 - Friday
Diffusé le : 30/03/2001
Preview:Sonny attempts to apologize with flowers. Recap:Carly was in a foul mood after her fight with Sonny, especially since he slept on the sofa. At the Deception office, she ranted to an advertising company who didn't have the campaign for Gia in her hands yet. When she ran out to yell at Elton, she ran smack into Sonny who surprised her with a visit and flowers. Sonny apologized for his part in their argument and told Carly that he didn't want to fight like that anymore, but she would have to be more respectful of his business privacy. Carly agreed and said she would meet him in the park for an afternoon with him and Michael. She received word that the campaign had been delivered but was in Laura's possession. Under the guise of wanting to be more helpful, she told Laura that she would open the mail, but Laura refused the offer. Alan told Monica that he knew about the biopsy and she apologized for not telling him sooner. She hadn't wanted to worry the family, but she realized she n (
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