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General Hospital
Précédent  38x63 Suivant
03.29.01 - Thursday
Diffusé le : 29/03/2001
Preview:Luke has a strong warning for Nikolas. Recap:Bobbie was surprised to see Melissa at the club and even more surprised to hear Roy playing the piano since she didn't know he knew how. Before Roy could explain, Alexis charged in and asked for Roy's help. He left with her, leaving Bobbie and Melissa together. Melissa bought Bobbie a drink and explained the origins of her relationship with Roy. Bobbie pretended to accept Melissa's casual tale, but she was clearly suspicious of the other woman's motives. Helena and Andreas toasted the imminent return of the disks as she sent men to retrieve them. At the club, Luke caught two men searching through his office. He pulled a gun on them and managed to get them out before they found the disks. Helena was infuriated by their failure and decided it was time to implement her final plan for destruction. Nikolas and Gia waited at the club for Lucky. When Gia noted Nikolas's nervousness, he told her about being shot in front of the club and havi (
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