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General Hospital
Précédent  38x62 Suivant
03.28.01 - Wednesday
Diffusé le : 28/03/2001
Preview:Alan seeks comfort from Edward about Monica. Recap:Scott brought a wounded rabbit into GH and asked Bobbie to treat it. It turned out he accidentally ran it over and he needed someone to help him. After Bobbie found someone who could treat the animal, Scott asked Bobbie for one more favor. He wanted to know what she had done to win Roy back after so many years. Alexis was appalled to realize that she had forgotten about her plans to go away with Ned. She couldn't tell him the reason that she couldn't leave town, but he figured out that it had something to do with Zander and Sonny. Ned gave up and told Alexis that he was tired of playing second fiddle to everything else in her life. Carly couldn't keep quiet about her opinion of Sonny's relationship with Alexis. She made it clear to him that she resented the way he confided in his lawyer instead of his wife. Sonny reminded her that he told her when they married that he would always keep his business separate from their lives. Ca (
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