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General Hospital
Précédent  38x61 Suivant
03.27.01 - Tuesday
Diffusé le : 27/03/2001
Preview:A.J. and Roy bond as they talk about Hannah. Recap:A hooded Zander confronted his captor and demanded to be released. As the hood came off, Zander's captor was revealed to be Jason. Using Emily as an excuse, Zander begged Jason to let him go. Jason said that Zander would stay put until the trial since it was the only way they could ensure his safety. Alexis was ready to call the police to report Zander missing, but Sonny wouldn't let her. He didn't want them involved because it would turn into a bigger deal than it was. He received a call from Jason saying that Zander was safe and Sonny didn't tell Alexis that news. When Emily came looking for Zander, Sonny assured her that Zander would be fine because Sorel needed Zander alive. Carly ran to Bobbie for advice about how to handle Sonny's friendship with Alexis. She felt that Sonny paid more attention to his lawyer than he did to his wife. Bobbie told Carly how she had almost blown things with Roy by not trusting him and she advi (
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