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General Hospital
Précédent  38x58 Suivant
03.22.01 - Thursday
Diffusé le : 22/03/2001
Preview:Ned has a fantasy of making Alexis happy. Recap:Lucky went to the Deception offices to tell Laura that he wouldn't be able to take pictures for her for a few days. Laura was stunned to see the extent of his injuries and immediately jumped to the conclusion that Helena was responsible for hurting him. Lucky assured her that he had kept far from Helena and that Jason was the culprit this time. Lucky compared Jason's rashness and selfishness to Luke's and said the two had more in common than they realized. Concerned about Lucky, Laura paid a visit to Luke. Worried about the state of their relationship, Felicia tried to get Luke to pinpoint where he thought they were going. Luke simply said that he wanted her around, but he admitted to being consumed by the Cassadines and the danger to his family. Felicia just wanted him to know that she was ready to stand by him for the long haul. At the Quartermaine mansion, Lila called everyone together hoping they could have a civilized family (
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