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General Hospital
Précédent  38x57 Suivant
03.21.01 - Wednesday
Diffusé le : 21/03/2001
Preview:Sonny finally loses his temper with Sorel. Recap:A nervous Monica tried to hide her fears from Alan by agreeing to his romantic plans. When he attempted to offer her support after sensing something was wrong, Monica snapped at him. Hurt, Alan told her to let him know when she decided what she wanted from him. Zander and Alexis rehearsed for the upcoming trial and Zander worried that he was going to screw up. Alexis grilled him intensely and then helped him to see what he did wrong. To make him feel better, she gave him a gift that she had been waiting to give him. Zander was shocked to open a box containing a beautiful watch. He was touched when Alexis said the watch represented her faith in him, in addition to the fact that she wanted him to make his curfew time. Emily went back to the Quartermaine mansion to visit her parents and have them sign her college applications. Alan immediately started smothering her with questions and demands. Monica begged him to leave Emily alone (
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